Website Design

Creating a Website Design Checklist: What It Should Include

If you want your website to attract traffic, you need to make a web design checklist. Use the checklist to make sure your website’s design is both user-friendly and credible. The following information will give you a foundation for improving your legal website and increasing your online presence in the legal field.

Setting Up Your Checklist

When creating a checklist for designing your site, you’ll need to focus on the format and search engine optimization. 

You’ll soon see that both the format you use and what you optimize can help you increase your site’s ranking. Below are things you can check off to make sure you stay on track.

Make It Simple to Contact Your Legal Firm

Include your phone number, email address, and contact form on your website. Also, add your social media sites to increase client interaction.

Utilize SEO to Drive Traffic to Your Site

Search engine optimization (SEO) is critical for driving traffic to your law firm’s website. SEO involves optimizing your website for keywords related to your practice areas and location. 

Optimize Your Website’s Structure

SEO also means optimizing your website’s structure. This entails using headings, meta descriptions, and alt tags. These additions help search engines understand your site’s content and improve its rankings in the search results.

Build Quality Backlinks

You also want to build high-quality backlinks from other websites to improve your website’s ranking. These sites may include legal organizations (such as the ABA) and reputable websites that feature other industry associations or legal directories.

Optimize for Mobile

Mobile optimization is critical for attracting potential clients who are searching for legal services on their mobile devices. A mobile-friendly website should be easy to navigate and load quickly on different devices. 

Test Your Legal Website on Mobile Devices

Test your website on different mobile devices to ensure that it looks and functions properly. This can help identify any issues that may be causing problems for mobile users.

Use a Responsive Web Design

A responsive design ensures that your website looks and functions properly on different devices, including smartphones and tablets. This can help improve the user experience and increase the likelihood of converting mobile visitors into clients.

Optimize Images and Videos

Images and videos can slow down your website’s load time on mobile devices. Therefore, you need to optimize images and videos to reduce load times and improve the user experience.

Secure Your Website

Website security is essential for protecting your law firm’s website and client information from cyber threats. A secure website can help build trust and credibility with potential clients. Here are some tips for ensuring website security:

Install Security Plugins

Install security plugins that can help protect your website from malware and other cyber threats. This can help prevent data breaches and other security issues.

Use SSL Certificates

SSL certificates help ensure that your website is secure and client information is protected. 

Update Software and Plug-ins

Regularly update your website’s software and plugins to ensure that everything is secure and up-to-date. This can help prevent security issues that may arise from outdated software.

Choose a Reliable Hosting Provider 

Choose a hosting provider that is reliable and has a good track record. Make sure your site stays up and running with minimal downtown.

Consider Scalability

Your website should be designed to handle increased traffic and functionality as your law firm grows. By working with a web design agency, you can keep on top of your needs along these lines.

How to Work with a Web Design Agency

Working with a web design agency offers a great opportunity to revamp your law firm’s website successfully. Below are tips for getting the most out of your relationship.

Define Your Goals and Expectations

Define your goals and expectations upfront to ensure that the web designer understands your needs and can deliver the results you’re seeking.

Communicate Regularly

Communicate regularly with the web designer to ensure that the project stays on track and that you are happy with the progress.

Keep Track of Key Metrics

It’s vital to monitor your website metrics to see where you might make improvements in your site’s design. These metrics cover the number of visitors, conversion rates, and user engagement.

Website Visitors

You’ll need to check the website traffic and see where it is originating. With this information, you can target your audience and build your database.

User Engagement

User engagement can be checked by reviewing your site’s bounce rates and time spent on the site. If the bounce rates are high, you can make changes to improve your UX design or make your site more user-friendly.

Conversion Rates

You’ll also need to review the conversion rates. This is highly important, as it tells you how well your website and its design are being received.

In fact, conversions are probably the most important KPI to follow. If your website does not convert, it’s not serving its purpose.

Why Your CRs May Be Poor

While you can do several things to improve your CR, your efforts are useless if you don’t have a good foundation. 

Reasons that Affect Conversions

A poor conversion rate may be due to:

  •  An unclear CTA
  • Sign-up forms that are confusing
  • A lack of features
  • Complex navigation
  • Poorly written content
  • Too many distractions

Scrutinize the above factors if your CRs are poor.


Revamping your law firm’s website is essential for attracting more clients online. By incorporating modern design elements, focusing on the user experience, and optimizing for the search engines, you can create a website that stands out from the crowd. 

Contact a Web Design Agency to Revamp Your Legal Website

Remember to assess your current website, incorporate calls to action, and measure website success regularly to ensure ongoing improvements. To help you make this happen contact Attorney Marketing.Online and schedule a consultation now.