Video marketing

How to Use Video Marketing for Your Legal Website

Video marketing can be a great way to promote your legal website and attract potential clients. However, before you start producing videos, you need to keep a few things in mind. 

You’ll need to choose the right video platform, create compelling content, and measure the results. Doing so will give you a clearer understanding of how to use video marketing to benefit your law firm and increase your revenues over time.

What is Video Marketing?

Using video is one of the most effective ways to connect with potential clients and showcase your law firm’s specialities. When done well, this form of promotion can help you build a stronger rapport with people, establish thought leadership, and drive traffic and leads to your website.

You can choose from a variety of videos for marketing purposes, including educational videos, testimonials, funny videos, FAQs, case studies, and more. The key to this form of “entertainment” is to produce a high quality product that provides value to your target audience so you can achieve your law firm’s objectives.

If you’re not sure where to start, you need to align yourself with a digital marketing agency that focuses on the marketing needs of lawyers. Doing so will allow you to develop a strategy and create thoughtful and informative videos that will help your target market better understand your legal services and brand.

The Benefits of Using Videos for Law Firms

Again, producing videos offers an excellent way for law firms to promote their services and reach a wider audience. By choosing this marketing tool, you can connect with potential clients, build trust and credibility, and increase website traffic – sometimes almost overnight.

When done correctly, producing a video can speed up the stream of clients to your law firm’s door, as you’ll attract clients who are excited by what you have to say and demonstrate. People have busy schedules, so if they can quickly watch a video and capture what you’re trying to convey, they’ll be more likely to call your firm to discuss their case.

Writing the Video Script

Before you film your video, you’ll need to write the script, or, at least, have a professional writer write the script for you. This means you need to consider the concept first.

For example, maybe you work with owners of small businesses. In this case, you want to come across professional but you also don’t want to be over-serious. Therefore, you need to demonstrate why it’s easy to work with you and point out how your legal services can benefit their business.

Maybe you’re a criminal defense lawyer. In this case, you might consider producing a funny video. After all, a little levity never hurts when someone faces some heavy-duty legal difficulties. This type of video is usually memorable, so anyone watching it might remember you if they get arrested and are in need of your services. 

If you’re a personal injury lawyer or you practice plaintiff’s law, your video message might be more assertive and direct. Show your potential client why you are committed to working hard for them if they’ve been wronged legally. Speak to them with empathy and avoid any type of vibe that sounds intimidating or domineering.

After you determine your video’s concept, think about how you want to communicate with your audience. Remember, you want to influence them and engage them. Therefore, you may have to revise your script several times before you create your video masterpiece.

Your message should be inviting as well as specific. In other words, you want the message to resonate with your viewing audience. That means you need to be a storyteller to stay in touch and relate to your viewers’ needs.

What You Need to Ask First

Keep the following in mind as you create your production.

1. What is your audience seeking as they watch the video?

When you create a video, your audience is not really interested in your background. Instead, they want more information on how to deal with their legal circumstance. That means you’ll need to tell them what the legal process will be like and why they should choose you to act as their representative.

2. What goal do you want to achieve by producing a video?

Naturally, your primary goal is to generate new leads. You just don’t want people to view your video. You also want them to call you. Needless to say, it won’t do you much good if you get plenty of views but no one calls your office. 

That means you need to give the viewer a solid reason to contact you. Add a direct call to action (CTA) and encourage them to call ASAP.

More Tips for Creating Effective Videos

  1. Keep it short and sweet: The average attention span of an Internet user is only about eight seconds, so you need to make sure your video is able to grab and hold your viewers’ attention from the start. Keep your videos about two to five minutes in length, if possible, and make sure they are concise and to the point.

Featuring a video on TikTok is a great forum for selling your services quickly and effectively.

  1. Make it visually appealing: Use high-quality visuals and graphics, and make sure your video looks professional. This will help capture and keep your viewers’ attention.
  1. Always use a script to outline the production: Again, a well-written script will help ensure your video comes across as clear and concise while maintaining engagement. Take the time to write out a script before filming, and then stick to it as closely as possible when recording.
  1. Film in HD: Many Internet users now have access to high-speed internet, which means they can watch videos in HD without issue. If possible, film your videos in HD to give them the best quality possible. This will help ensure they look great on any size screen.
  1. Use a tripod: A shaky or unsteady camera can be incredibly off-putting for viewers, so make sure you use a tripod when filming to keep things looking smooth and professional.

How to Promote Your Videos

You can promote your videos in several ways once you have created them. 

Therefore, you can market videos on all of your social media channels, as well as your website. 

You can also create a blog post or articles featuring your video, and share it on social media and your website as well. 

Additionally, you can reach out to influencers in your industry. Check to see if they would be interested in sharing your video with their followers. 

If you have any budget for paid advertising, you can also run ads on social media targeting people who are searching for terms related to your video topic.


In conclusion, video marketing is an excellent way to market your legal website and attract new clients. Doing so is an ideal way to convert leads into paying clients.

Call Attorney Marketing.Online Now

To ensure you reach out to potential clients successfully, you need to contact a digital agency that has a special understanding of a lawyer’s digital marketing needs. In Los Angeles, your go-to agency is Attorney Marketing.Online. Call (888) 992-9529 for all the details today.