Legal Website Design

Legal Website Design: How It’s Different than Other Website Designs (Part Two)

When choosing a platform for your legal website design, you have two basic options: a website builder or a custom design. While a custom design may be more expensive, it does offer you full control over the look and feel of your website. 

A website builder is a good option for attorneys who are just getting started since these platforms are easy to use and provide a lot of functionality. However, if you want to stay on top of your website’s development, it’s best to opt for customization.

Why a Customized Legal Website Design Works Better

A customized legal website design allows you to add to the look and feel of your website’s design. It also allows you to fully design the functionality, giving you the ability to create a website that is uniquely suited to your needs.

Decide on a Tending Strategy and Voice

Before you start designing your website, you should spend some time deciding on a marketing strategy. What is your unique selling proposition? How will you convey your value proposition to prospective clients? 

How do you plan to set yourself apart from the competition? You may have an idea of your marketing strategy already, but you should revisit those plans and modify them from time to time.

Also, keep in mind the technology available to you today, such as artificial intelligence assistants and virtual reality (VR) tools. In addition, you’ll also want to consider the voice you want to use on your website. 

For example, do you want others to perceive your brand as conservative, direct, or assertive? A website is a great place to showcase your personality and tone of voice, so make sure it reflects the true you.

Content is King

No matter what type of content you decide to include on your website, remember to make it relevant to your target audience. Avoid regurgitating the same information that’s featured in marketing materials, and instead, provide information that is valuable to your site’s visitors. 

6 Examples of the Content You’ll Want to Include

Some examples of useful content you can include on your website include the following: 

1. A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Page

An FAQ page is a great way to help visitors find the information they’re looking for quickly and reliably.

2. Client Testimonials

Nothing speaks more loudly than the words of your clients. If you have positive feedback from previous clients, make sure to include it on your website. 

3. A Detailed Explanation of Your Services

The more information you can provide, the better. If you have a wide range of specialties, a detailed description of each service is a great way to help visitors find the information they’re seeking in a quick matter of time.  

4. Blog Posts

Posts on your blog provide an opportunity to regularly update your website with new and fresh and compelling content.

5. Live Streaming Interviews

Live streaming allows you to interview industry experts, colleagues, or other intriguing people – individuals that will help draw interested clients to your website.

6. An Events Page

An events page is a great way to build brand awareness and connect with your visitors by hosting virtual or in-person events. Alternatively, you can also use the page to promote your speaking engagements.

Pulling It All Together: Lead Generation Strategies

Now that you’ve created a helpful and engaging website, you’ll want to make sure that people actually find it. Fortunately, there are many ways to attract visitors to your site. You can also use these strategies to increase your online presence and generate leads – making your website a virtual hub of activity. 

Social media is one great way to build your brand and drive traffic to your website. Make sure to post on a consistent basis, and use the tools available to you, such as promoted posts, to boost your reach. 

You’ll also want to publish content on other websites. When you do this, the goal is to avoid self-promotion, and instead to create content that’s helpful to other people in your field. 

Participating in online forums is another way to build relationships with others in your industry and draw attention to your website. 

To coordinate the listings on your events page, you can host a virtual conference to drive traffic to your site. Use an event to collect leads from the attendees. 

Make it your goal, as well, to secure links from reputable websites. Link building is an excellent way to attract traffic to your website.

Wrapping It All Up

As you can see, designing a website is a lot more than just creating attractive graphics and stuffing it full of information. Your legal website design represents the front door to your law firm.

Therefore, it needs to be created to appeal to your specific client base and offer them value. A website design for attorneys is different from your average website because it needs to comply with stricter advertising regulations while meeting the expectations of a highly-specialized client base. 

Create the Ideal Legal Website Design: Call Attorney Marketing.Online for the Exciting Details Now

Don’t let your competition get ahead of you. To make the most of your presence online, align yourself with a legal digital marketing professional. Contact Attorney Marketing.Online today at (888) 992-9529 for further information right now.