influence marketing

How Influence Marketing Can Support Your Law Firm’s Brand

Influence marketing represents a tried and true strategy for advertising legal services. Its popularity has expanded as the use of social media has grown. You can use both sponsored and organic methods to introduce this marketing technique, which works out well in conjunction with content marketing and social media campaigns.

Therefore, influencers can be used to promote your law firm services on social media channels as well as mention you on the sites. 

How Influence Marketing Works

An influencer can be used to promote you via a blog or video so you’re able to reach a larger audience. This enables your firm and brand to earn your clients’ trust. In the best-case scenario, your influencer will already have a large number of followers who are genuine and established viewers and readers.

While influencer marketing has worked out well for large-sized law firms, some smaller law firms may wonder how to implement this marketing strategy for added influence and growth. 

Indeed, gaining the notice of influencers may be a tedious process. However, it can also be quite effective – as long as you have the patience to let everything unfold.

Organic Influencer Campaigns

Because a lawyer gets the best clients from his or her referrals, organic influencer campaigns are based on this concept. Referrals involve word-of-mouth comments via social media or influencer-based comments on blogs. Clients and other legal professionals are used to conveying this sentiment.

A prominent and influential personality who endorses your firm is someone who can help support your status online and offline. However, choosing the right influencers must be done carefully, as any mention of your law firm needs to be honest and show evidence of your firm’s competence and experience.

How to Find Influencers in Your Field of Expertise

To find influencers, you can locate people in the legal niche who already have a large or impressive number of followers.

Using content, such as a video that highlights the comments of satisfied clients, will increase your legal firm’s brand influence. Remember, publishing content means sharing information that is educational and client-centric. 

It’s not about promotion. You want to show potential clients how your legal firm will help them. Therefore, including testimonials establishes credibility.

Add these video endorsements to Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube.

Share Influencer Content

It also helps to participate with influencers you’ve chosen on social media. Let them know that you like their content and have shared the material, whether through blogs they’ve written, videos they’ve created, podcasts they’ve produced, or tweets.

According to Influencer MarketingHub, short-form videos are a great tool to use to add to your influence as a legal practice. Generally, on Facebook, they’re about 1 minute to 3 minutes long. These digestible bites make it easy for viewers to get information quickly and dependably.

How to Build Credibility and Gain Trust

When you share content, it should be the type of material that builds authority and earns trust. For example, you can make this happen by sharing successful cases or mentioning clients who’ve benefited from your services in blogs. 

By taking this approach, you’ll reinforce your reputation as an experienced and dedicated legal professional. If you convey a positive tone and message, an influencer may even ask you to write a guest blog post on their website.

The Digital Marketing Institute states that almost 50% of consumers depend on influencers to decide on services and products.

Building a Strong Relationship with an Influencer

The whole idea behind influence marketing is to build a strong relationship with each of your influencers so you can ask them to support your legal firm’s services. You can do this, for example, by asking them to attend a webinar you’re hosting or to ask them to take part as a guest in a podcast or video.

You can also share an influencer’s content, allowing them to increase audience engagement. As noted, it also helps to stay engaged on an influencer’s social media platform. You can do this by following them, making comments on posts, and taking part in conversations. You want them to know that you value their knowledge and expertise.

If you want an influencer to back your law firm then, the impression you give online is extremely important. Both your website and social media profiles must form a positive impression – something that you can project by following established legal professionals.

Therefore, to create a good impression and maintain it you need to show that your firm is well versed in specific areas of the law and convey this message to your audience. That means you need to be visible – all the time.

In turn, you need to share content that is of high quality – that is unique and educational. You can do this through articles, social media channels, and blog posts. You need to develop content that is something both your followers and influencers will find interesting and helpful. 

It also helps to add clarification. Your readership or viewership should have a clear idea of who you are professionally and the types of legal services you provide.

Be Available 24/7

While you may not get thousands of followers as a small legal practice, you can ensure your followers that you are dedicated and that they can rely on your legal expertise and skills. Let them know they can reach you whenever they need to with specific legal questions and concerns.

As you can see, influencer marketing can take time. However, if you’re willing to follow the above practices, it will help you grow your brand and allow you to generate the type of business that lends trust and credibility to your legal practice. 

Call Attorney Marketing Online Today

Attorney Marketing online can assist you with your influence marketing strategy as well as other legal marketing services. As a law firm practice, your marketing needs are unique. Give us a call at 888-992-9529 to learn more about our services.