Lead Generation

How to Boost Lead Generation for Your Law Firm

How does it happen? You think your website is perfectly designed. In fact, it is downright impressive. Yet, you cannot understand why the platform is not generating leads. While it seems to offer a responsive design, it is not the lead generation website you want it to be.

So, how do attract leads and convert them into paying legal clients?” While designing the website is not a problem, the issue has to do with the goal you want to achieve – that is, generating more leads.

Plan and Prepare

To turn your impressive website into a lead generation platform, you need to plan and prepare. You can more easily do this by answering the following questions:

  • Who represents your demographic? For example, do you target people who need criminal defense services for driving under the influence? Maybe you offer legal help for people with workers’ compensation claims.
  • What are your prospect’s pain points? How can you help them?
  • What issues do potential clients face that you can immediately address?
  • What motivates your target market?
  • What are your potential client’s fears?

According to Forbes, referrals also support lead generation activities. Ask for referrals from satisfied clients or non-competing attorneys. 

Review Google Analytics

If you already have built a site, you need to find out what is working and what you should discard. That means accessing Google Analytics for the results. Doing so will give you an immediate picture of your lead generation activities and the content that appeals to your audience.

When you have answered some of the above questions, you can set specific goals for generating more leads. For instance, you may want to make it your goal to attract a certain number of website visitors monthly to increase leads and conversions.

To make this happen, you need to align yourself with a digital marketing service that will support your lead generation and conversion strategies. Use their knowledge and expertise to keep you on track so you can realize a boost in the SERPs and increase your organic and paid traffic flow.

Attracting the Right Visitors to Your Website

To ensure your website draws the right visitors or traffic, you will need to follow 4 steps:

  1. Optimize your site for SEO so you can enhance the organic ranking
  2. Promote your law website’s content on social media platforms to drive engagement
  3. Use paid Google Adwords to support organic linking
  4. Continue to touch base with current clients and contacts by emailing monthly newsletters

According to Inc.magazine, companies fail to generate leads because they don’t have a system set up for the activity. 

Developing Content

Your content should be designed to cover your client’s specific legal concerns. By taking this approach, you are telling visitors how you can help them solve their problems successfully.

How to Create Content that Generates Interest

 When creating content, answer the following 3 questions:

  1. What does a visitor want to receive when using your legal services?
  2. What does he or she want to know specifically?
  3. Why should they choose your legal firm instead of a competing firm?

After posing these questions, you need to ensure your content is well written and adds to the value and quality of your website. That means that you need to supply content that is easy to read, interesting, and free of redundancies, spelling errors, and grammar mistakes.

When you provide well-written content that offers solutions to your audience, they will sense you truly care about their well-being personally and legally.

Creating a Landing Page to Collect Leads

To increase your reach, you can also provide a content offer on a separate landing page. Feature an ebook or report for the visitor to download and read. To receive the content, set up the site so a visitor has to insert their email before uploading the content.

A landing page makes it easy for you to  collect leads and convert them into clients. Once you receive a visitor’s email, they are no longer a stranger but an actual bona fide lead.

Don’t Forget the Calls to Action (CTAs)

Calls to Action work because they invite website visitors to explore your legal services directly and speak with you in person. How you create a conversion path depends on how you want to sell your services. 

Normally, if you combine off-line marketing (brochures and website details on your business cards) with social media, landing pages, and posts on blogs, you will see better results and increase your influence and traffic flow. 

Build Your Brand

As a legal firm, it also helps to build your brand or distinguish yourself with your logo and its design. Don’t use anymore than three colors and keep the font easy-to-read, and the design simple. When people see your brand repeatedly, they will remember you when they need to contact you about a legal service or inquiry.

Follow Your Lead Generation Strategy Now

If you want to improve your lead generation and conversion rates, it is important to focus on your website’s design. However,  you also have to concentrate on other digital services, such as SEO, Adwords, content development, landing pages, brand building, and calls-to-action. Learn more about these services today by contacting Attorney Marketing Online at  (888) 992-9529 or (323) 433-6529.