Search Engine Ranking

Improving Your Search Engine Ranking: What You Need to Know


If you want to improve your search engine ranking, you need to know more than SEO. You also need to get into the habit of adding authoritative content and posting regularly. Doing so will make a major difference in how you rank in the SERPs.

Therefore, it pays to follow best practices on a regular basis. Doing so will upgrade your standing and increase your influence online. 

Why Your Search Engine Ranking Is Important 

SEO, or your search engine ranking, is important as organic searches make up most of a law firm’s website performance. Therefore, these searches represent a crucial component in turning visitors into leads. 

The following tips will also help you increase a strong presence online – one that will give you an all-important advantage in your search engine ranking and generation of organic leads.

1. Use the Real Questions from Clients to Create Blog Posts

Do you often respond to the same question repeatedly? If so, you can improve your performance in the SERPs by including content that addresses specific inquiries. You can also find frequently asked questions in emails to improve your standing online.

2. Rewrite the Content that Regularly Boosts Your Ranking in the SERPs

Check the pages that perform well on your site and use them to repurpose content. These are the pages that regularly boost your ranking, traffic, and new-client generation. You want to continue to update this content so you can keep your best articles or posts relevant and fresh.

3. Prepare an SEO Roadmap for a New Website

While it is okay to perform an SEO audit for an older site, you need to formulate an SEO strategy if your site is new. This strategy is your roadmap – a plan that can take you from a mediocre position to a higher SERP ranking. You can do this through keyword analysis, regular blog posting, and formatting your site so it remains user-friendly.

4. Seek Out News Accounts about Your Firm that Are Not Linked

It also helps to seek out news stories that mention your firm but are not currently linked to your web page. Ask for the link if you find this type of story online. These sought-after links are known as unlinked brand mentions.

5. Insert Special Characters from Your Google Docs Account

You can increase your click-through rates by adding special characters found in Google Docs. All you have to do is click on the “Insert” tab and review the options. Copy and paste a chosen character and add it to your title tag. 

Here is an example:

Online Publishing Legal Tips ✒ The Henry Law Firm

In the above example, the title is separated by the nib of a pen and the legal firm’s name.

6. Establish an Intake Process to Support Your SEO Strategy

If you start receiving leads, you need to make sure you establish a process for signing up clients. You cannot create an SEO strategy unless you have a process in place. If you want to continue to rank well in the SERPs, you need to be well prepared.

7. Add Messaging  to Your Business Profile in Google

You can gain clients and increase your search engine ranking as well by enabling messaging directly from Google search in your business profile. Don’t miss out on any potential for business. Make use of all your online services.

8. Add Videos to Informative Content

As you post information on specific legal topics on your social media platform and website, it also helps to include short videos. People watch and engage with videos more often than photos.

 According to Forbes, instructional videos and testimonial videos have a great impact on engagement. Forbes also adds that you can stretch your organic reach by adding videos to Facebook versus uploading videos from YouTube.

9. Add Authoritative and Relevant Content

Michigan Tech also offers advice about increasing your search engine ranking for your legal website. According to the school, publishing authoritative and relevant content is a number one drive in increasing search engine ratings. This means you need to produce quality content for specific users – people who really require your legal services.

10. Make Sure the Keywords on Your Pages Are Similar

It is difficult for a site to increase its rankings for multiple keywords unless the phrases are similar. For instance, your site may rank well for the words “theft offense” or “theft charge” but it won’t do so well if the page features phrases, such as “criminal defense”  and “worker’s compensation laws.”

Questions to Ask When Adding Keywords

When adding keywords, you need to answer some key questions about their placement. For example, you might ask:

  • Can I use this keyword in the page’s URL? (if using keywords in folders)
  • Can I add the keyword to the title page?
  • Can I include the keyword in a heading or subheading?

If you can answer, “yes,” to the above questions you can realize a higher ranking in the SERPs..

Find Out More Details about Boosting Your Rankings

Would you like to receive more details about ranking in the SERPs or improving your search engine ranking? If so, you can do so easily by contacting Attorney Marketing Online today. Phone (888) 992-9529 or (323) 433-6529 to set up an appointment and discuss your website needs now.