Client Testimonials

Increase Your Online Influence with Client Testimonials


Client testimonials can make a solid impression on people seeking your legal services. Therefore, you cannot overlook their value, especially when you include them on your website. While can post texts of testimonials, including videos makes the strongest impact.

Client Testimonials, Especially Video Testimonials, Convert

Forbes underscores the use of video testimonials, as the media, according to researchers, has a decided effect on how your law firm is perceived. The magazine adds that videos have a higher retention rate and therefore enhance your firm’s brand image. Plus, most importantly, videos convert.

With respect to online marketing, conversion is an essential part of the process. That kind of magic makes marketing online both challenging and satisfying at the same time. Videos of client testimonials build the type of trust that sparks a continuing interest in your firm’s brand. When people see how others benefited from your services, they automatically take notice.

So, how do you record client testimonials that give you an edge promotionally and professionally?

The idea behind a testimonial video is not the same as a commercial ad – an ad that features paid actors. Potential clients want to see and hear people with stories like their own. 

They want answers to the following:

  • How did your law firm make a difference for them? 
  • How did a client achieve success?

Best Practices to Use When Creating Video Testimonials

When creating videos for client testimonials, it helps then to use the following best practices:

  • Offer direction. Do not give the customer a script. Let the client relate their experience in their own words. A script will not bring out their true emotions or offer authenticity. Ask that the client explain how your service resolved their issue.
  • Keep the client testimonial short. The video should not be any longer than 90 seconds to 2 minutes in length. 
  • If you use an interview format, do not ask questions that require an answer of “yes” or “no.” Instead, ask questions that evoke emotional appeal.
  • Ask for a testimonial from a client after you have just won their case. That is when he or she will feel the most excited about the experience. This will also be conveyed in the video.
  • Ask that clients compare your services to that of your competition. Doing so will help potential clients to eventually commit to your legal services.


3 Important Tips to Keep in Mind

  1. When you ask clients to provide video testimonials, ask them to provide info that helps them relate to the people you wish to target. Therefore, ask them to provide a little background information, such as their age, job, or parental status.
  2.  Also, ask the client to explain why they were drawn to seek help from your legal firm. Were there other firms they felt did not measure up with respect to influence, knowledge, and solutions?
  1. Request that the client conveys specific information about how your services led to a successful verdict or settlement.

What the ABA Has to Say

Fortunately, the  American Bar Association’s Rules of Professional Conduct (RPC) support the use of client testimonials and video recordings. Specifically, Rule 7.1 of the RPC governs ad reviews or testimonial endorsements. 

The crux of the rule restricts any false or misleading information about legal services or the lawyer. While the regulation does not directly address testimonials, it does allow the use of the media, as long as the testimonials are honest and direct.

Including a Disclaimer

Under the ABA’s guidelines, a client who provides a testimonial is subject to the laws directed toward commercial freedom of speech and Truth-in-Advertising. Also, some states do require that an attorney include a disclaimer when providing testimonials.  

Adding a Disclaimer in California: What the Law Requires

For instance, if you practice in California, the state requires you to provide an express disclaimer. In this case, it should state that “this testimonial . . . does not constitute a guarantee . . .regarding the outcome of your legal matter.”

Add the disclaimer on the page of your website that features your firm’s testimonials, whether they are in text or recorded as videos. Make sure you print the disclaimer in a legible and readable font that does not overly minimize the language. 

A general disclaimer may read as follows: “Nothing on this website guarantees or predicts future legal results.” Even if the law in your state does not offer a hard rule for adding a disclaimer, it’s a good idea to include the language.

Why Client Testimonials Work

If a potential client is facing a sentence of 20 years in federal prison or wants to sue a medical practitioner for neglect, he or she wants to make sure they realize a successful outcome. A client testimonial offers proof that a lawyer has the wherewithal to handle a case and provide clients with good results.

What People Seek When Vetting Legal Sites

People who are seeking legal services look at the following:

  • The lawyer’s specialty
  • The firm’s success rate
  • Experience

That is why using testimonials can help you prove yourself to potential clients. People want to use a firm that has the type of experience that leads to success. 

That’s why the testimonials of winning clients trigger the leads that convert to paying clients.

Learn More about Adding Client Testimonials to Your Website

To include client testimonials on your website, work with a marketing company that understands every aspect of attorney marketing. Phone Attorney Marketing Online at (888) 992-9529 or (323) 433-6529 with your inquiries.