lawyer website

9 Tips for Establishing a New Lawyer Website


When it comes to launching your practice as a new lawyer, you need to know what it takes to set up a legal website. Don’t discount the merits of establishing a great website, as doing so can help you reach your goal of making a six-figure salary.

Step into the Digital Spotlight: Create a New Lawyer Website

By working with a digital marketer that specializes in legal website designs, you can focus on what you do best, and that is serving clients.  You’ll need to depend on a digital marketing firm, as successful marketing practices demand consistency and ongoing effort. That may mean setting up a blog and a client newsletter to stay in touch with clients. 

Also, as a new lawyer, you might fall into a pattern of being too much of a perfectionist. That is why you need to rely on the expertise of digital marketers. Don’t postpone unveiling your new legal website because it does not include one important detail. Use your digital marketing partners to refine your site so you can get up and running.

Amazingly, research conducted by the ABA reveals that only 57% of solo legal practitioners have a website. Therefore, to gain an edge on the competition, a sole lawyer needs to focus on the benefits of a website and its design.

1. Include Key Messages

When you set up your legal website, you want to ensure your key messages are communicated to your visitors. Answer the following:

  • What does your legal firm offer that other firms overlook?
  • What are your legal firm’s specialties?
  • What is your billing approach? Are you flexible?
  • Do you take great pride in offering the highest level of service?

The messages you get from answering these questions should be conveyed on your website in your mission statement. You don’t need a witty tagline, you just need to commit yourself to deliver these promises. It is essential to show why your firm is different. That is more important than delivering a catchy phrase.

2. Keep the Name of Your Legal Practice and Domain Short 

When choosing a practice name and domain name, remember, shorter is better. Make sure your audience can pronounce and remember your name. You don’t need to impress people with the name, you just need to make sure they commit it to memory. 

Also, when you choose a domain, remember that www.rjlaw is easier to remember than if you extend it, or present it as www.ryanjoneslaw. The web address shouldn’t contain more than 10 letters.

3. Make Sure your Logo and Brand Looks Professional

You’ll need to work with a digital marketing firm to ensure your logo and brand look professional. As a new lawyer, you don’t want your website’s design to appear amateurish. That’s a poor way to begin your foray into the legal field. 

When your typeface, logo, or other content look unprofessional, it affects your legal reputation and credibility. Use the services of a digital marketing agency to enhance your brand and identity so you can use it extensively. A savvy and in-the-know designer can create templates so you can use them regularly for client updates, proposals, announcements, and memorandums.

4. Highlight Your Brand Image Online and Offline

As a new lawyer, you’ll need to build your image through various media outlets. You can do this by following a social media strategy and adding content and your input to legal publications, local legal journals, and to guest posts on other legal websites. Use the posts for back linking to your website.

Indeed, it helps to endorse and emphasize your brand, as you can use your brand influence to recruit personnel and create clients portals to regularly engage with your clients. Websites are not just a  marketing tool, they also help you collaborate with clients and new personnel. 

According to the National Law Review, 96% of search engine traffic is seeking legal information. That is why you cannot discount the importance of developing and designing a legal website.

5. Add Your Contact Information to Legal Directories

It also helps to include your legal contact info in directories. Update your contact information, when needed, so you can always be found. You’ll need to include your contact details on your Martindale entry, LinkedIn profile, and phone directories.

6. Launch Your New Website Quickly

Make sure you use a digital marketing firm whose designers can get your site up and running in minimal time. Use a company that can execute a website launch within your specified budget Your web designer should have direct experience working for law firms.

7. Hire an Experienced Legal Writer

You don’t want your web designer to write your website’s content. Instead, use the skills of an experienced legal writer. You may be able to access these services from the digital marketing agency you use for your marketing strategy. As a new lawyer, you’ll need to use the skills of an expert writer as your first priority is to serve your clients.

8. Review the Budget for Your Legal Website

You’ll need to get an idea of what you want to spend to build your brand locally and online. Therefore, creating a budget is an important part of getting started. Think about where you want the money to go. As a new lawyer, you’ll need to spend money on the following:

  • The registration for your legal firm’s domain name
  • Hosting and maintenance charges
  • Developing and designing your website
  • Traffic reporting
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Marketing for your new website

Set money aside for the first year’s worth of costs for developing your website and regular costs thereafter. If you don’t form a long-range plan, you’ll miss the point of displaying your services online. Owning a website and marketing your services has to be an ongoing activity.

As a new lawyer, most of your website costs will cover design and development. You’ll spend about $10,000 if you want to create a unique web design. Make sure you host your site on a secure server that is managed 24/7.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is another key expense as is website marketing – marketing that includes buying keywords, banner ads, and paid listings. 

9. Contact AttorneyMarketing.Online for Legal Marketing Services

Are you a new lawyer? If so, have no fear. You can set up a website that will give you the notice you need to generate leads and traffic. To make this possible, contact a company that specializes in attorney web design and marketing. Call AttorneyMarketing.Online at  (888) 992-9529 or (323) 433-6529 24/7 to start building your legal website now.